Honeymoon, the dream of every to-be married couples. There are a vast majority of destinations to choose from and this makes it extremely difficult to identify that particular (perfect) location. The idea behind honeymoon is to be in a relaxed environment. But the problem boils down to how to how much are you able and/or willing to spend.


Are you one of the lucky few looking forward to a honeymoon?

Worried about finances?

Below are 5 tips to make the wishes of a honeymoon come to reality.

#1. Sell what you don’t need

Most often, we purchase a lot of items then use it for a limited period just to place away at the latter stage. As a result, things we do not necessarily need, take up space in our homes

A step forward to taking care of the excess is to sell off. Open a garage sale, get people to purchase the items. It might be on a discounted rate or at a reasonable price.

Tip; merge with your fiancé (e)

#2. Organise a money dance at the reception party

Money dance is an activity on wedding receptions, this is where the guest will pay to dance with the broom or bride. The fun is assured but more importantly, money could be raised.

Tip; Get everyone involved i.e. family and friends

#3. Work more hours

Put in extra few hours at work, this can help to gain more money and the money gained will be put aside. This can be more effective if both are involved

Tip; involve your fiancé (e)

#4. Cutting down unnecessary cost

Planning a wedding can be tedious, a lot of activities will be involved so as suggestions and recommendations. This can cause over spending mainly on unnecessary items or services.

Tip; Take your time and be involved in the budget preparations, break down the budget.

#5. Pre wedding traditions

There are fun pre wedding traditions and some that will bring in money. For example, the father of the bride is supposed to personally drop the invitations with a well decorated bottle of drink. As he stops at each house to drop the invitation, the receiver of the invitation has to drink a cup of the liquid (either juice,wine etc) in the bottle and then pin some money on the bottle.

Lead a-way to a wonderful honeymoon!